Welcome to the World of The Real John R. Fyfe ~ Vedic Astrologer & Author
Welcome to the World of The Real John R. Fyfe ~ Vedic Astrologer & Author
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The Mad Hatter & The Magic Potion

Last month, Mercury, in its retrograde, brought out some fierce energy.

Besides the mix-ups and zaniness that go on when Mercury is retrograde, some people experienced blockages and interferences, to the point they felt deliberate sabotage was at play! 

Worry and anxiety also showed up at high levels, with disagreements and overreactions being the result.

Some people had allergies and bronchial issues flaring up, as well as weirdness with electronics. Never mind the insanity of construction blockages everywhere. Others had plumbing and water leakage problems in their homes.

These significations not only belong to Mercury but also to Uranus, the higher octave of Mercury.

And guess what, folks? Uranus goes retrograde today for four months!

Hang on to your hats…chaos will continue, exposing the lunatics who are sadly in charge of our so-called governments.

Another word for them is Narcissists!

Uranus, Pluto, Neptune, and Saturn are all retrograde and will remain so for the next four months.

The outer planets in retrograde will undoubtedly upset the water table. Saturn will emphasize control, while Pluto will revolt. Uranus will come in from left field, showing us other choices that we might consider to make. Neptune will pretend all is well even when the ship is sinking!

When the table is tilted, it will be up to each of us to keep our energies and thoughts in balance.

I have witnessed strange behaviour patterns this past month with so many people.

I think we might be experiencing different forms of dementia!

Perhaps getting out of our minds isn’t such a bad thing! It seems to be overloading and beginning to malfunction!

The next four months will show us much. Will there be a change for the better?

Or will the doom and gloom picture that is being painted out come into actuality.

It is likely when the outer planets go direct, there will be a clearer picture to look at but likely not until then.

In August, you might have had a strong pull to change some old patterns that no longer is working for you.

Expect this to continue in September!

Uranus signifies eccentricity and that could make you consider having a different lifestyle. Perhaps it’s about changing your perception, internally or externally.

Heed the call, listen to that bell ring…even when upsets and blockages occur, often the opposite is just around the corner for you.

Uranus allows you to seize the moment and do something unexpected.

Uranus, ultimately is the alchemist.

This has happened to me!

Many of you may have seen me posting about some changes I am making in my own life, as I want to improve my health, after my health scare a few years ago. That's why I'm taking homeopathic drops to reduce my weight and in 4 weeks I've already been able to lose 12 lbs in a super healthy way. 

I always enjoy inspiring change for the better. What changes will you choose to make to improve YOUR health? 

Keep your focus, and with
the new moon on September the 3rd, get going!

Many Blessings,


John R. Fyfe 

(519) 803-4145

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