This Mars in retrograde has been a doozy!
It has given us quite a wallop, making us feel the proverbial cup is half empty rather than half full. Generally, Mars's energy loves to take action and makes things happen.
However, since Mars went into retrograde, the opposite has been the case. It certainly has been showing the ineptitude of our system, which is collapsing. Yet hardly anyone in so-called authoritative positions seems to think so. Oh well.
What about your reality?
Have you been pondering life lately. Are you thinking to perhaps make changes?
This is a good month to make a plan but not the time to take action. At the end of April or early May would be a better plan!
We’ll finally see the end of Mars's retrograde during February, but not until the last week, so you need to hold on.
There is some good news with Venus entering its exalted sign of Pisces.
Venus likes to generate more joy and harmony in our lives, yes, even in February. At the very least, it may help to bring a much-needed balance into your perspective.
It will be good to get that together before a major shake-up occurs in March, with intense planetary transits coming in…again!
A rather big change is around the corner for us all!
Jupiter finally goes direct on February 4th after being in retrograde these last four months. This is worth celebrating as Jupiter will help us find some flow.
Jupiter signifies expansion and success with our projects or business. Jupiter and Venus also make an exchange with each other which again is supportive energy. Jupiter is in Taurus (the sign for Venus), while Venus is in the sign of Pisces (the sign that belongs to Jupiter)
Another good indication this month is that Uranus has left its four-month retrograde. What does Uranus signify?
Uranus is associated with sudden change, innovation, and the pursuit of freedom.
It's also known as the "Great Awakener" because it can inspire rebellion and revolution.
Need we say more?
There will be a Mercury glitch between February 8th and the 12th because of its conjunction with the Sun. The Sun burns Mercury, which we call combustion, and with that, some of Mercury's chaos is expected to occur.
This is a pivotal month for us, coinciding with the arrival of the Chinese New Year. The Year of the Wood Snake informs us that the Snake Year can be life-changing for many people. Are you born in the Year of the Snake, or do you know people who are? Snake years occur every 12 years. The last snake year was 2013; before that, 2001, 1989, and so forth.
February the 1st is the celebration of St. Brigid Day in Ireland. St. Brigid's Day is a Gaelic festival that marks the beginning of spring.
They call it spring, as this day signifies the shift of the Sun, which brings more light.
From the 21st of December (the solstice) until this day was the time of darkness.
February is the month to step out of the mud, don our peaceful warrior suits, and prepare for the Ides of March!
Please do book a private reading with me if you'd like to see how your own planets are affected during these tumultuous times.
Many Blessings,
John R. Fyfe
(519) 803-4145