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Welcome to the World of The Real John R. Fyfe ~ Vedic Astrologer & Author
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Planting new seeds

The planetary transits of 2025 are rather complex, but then we can ask, have there been any easy transits since 2020?  

The answer is NOT REALLY!

Over the last five years, many of us have learned that we must plant our own seeds for new roots to grow. We can't rely on much else!

Perhaps we've had to let go of things we used to love or even friends we have cared for. Maybe they've already moved on or have departed.

Many of us feel that the ground we used to walk on, that has felt so familiar, is cracked or has collapsed; We are feeling uprooted.

2025 will be a pivotal year to plant new seeds.  

Meanwhile, 2025 begins with a new moon, which can signify making a fresh start or finding a new path. The new Moon coincides with the new year, and there is a tradition of making new year's resolutions.

However, 2025 is telling us to be on a red alert!

Mars is in retrograde and opposition to Pluto

Mars with Pluto has the energy to bring about destruction. World events are likely to escalate during these two months.

Mars and Pluto can also make you a warrior where you stand strong and get the job done, or bring out extreme reactions, making you frustrated, impatient and angry.  

Perhaps we should direct our anger/frustration at governments that are no longer working on behalf of the people…rather than becoming angry with each other! 

Or get angry with the constant lies being fed to us by mainstream media.

Haven't we grown tired of them yet?

After the Mars/Pluto energy, Venus goes retrograde in March and April, which usually brings emotional turmoil, particularly in relationships.

During that time, the solar and lunar eclipses will occur (at the end of March and early April), which always brings a time for reviewing one's life.

Then, during the summer, Saturn and Neptune will conjoin and last for the duration of the year, both in the emotional sign of Pisces.

Together, these two planets can bring depressive energy.

It can also indicate a financial depression as well.

Take care of your assets before the summer.

Of course, during this time, we'll have the familiar retrograde of Mercury.

There is more, my friends, but do we need to hear more doom and gloom?

I don't think so.

We need to remove ourselves from the destructive energies that are around us, beginning with changing how we feel and think.

Planting the seeds of love and harmony within ourselves is the beginning of how happier roots will grow.

Now that's empowering!

Even when hailstorms, hurricanes and tornadoes occur, the roots are underground and protected, ready to grow after the storm subsides.

When the planets aspect each other in such an intense and challenging way, it shakes us out of our comfortable rut.

When reviewing astrology charts, we examine the planetary periods that occur throughout our lives. These periods are referred to as doshas.

A favourable planet period will offset the collectively challenging aspects or neutralise personal difficulties.

When the dasha isn't favourable, we will at least know when that period finishes.

With palmistry, we always look at your destiny line. Is it active and strong, or is it dormant? We can also see an approximate age for when it activates.

By using both astrology and palmistry, we have a wonderful opportunity to confirm when a favourable time is coming for you.  

This can give you the confidence to make a jumpstart.

Plant your seeds this year for empowerment!

Please do book a private reading with me if you'd like to see how your own planets are affected during these tumultuous times.

Many Blessings,


John R. Fyfe 

(519) 803-4145

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