Welcome to the World of The Real John R. Fyfe ~ Vedic Astrologer & Author
Welcome to the World of The Real John R. Fyfe ~ Vedic Astrologer & Author
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Fog is lifting

Neptune's retrograde is ending, which means the fog that has been obscuring some of your vision over the last few months will begin to lift!

Mercury retrograde is once again upon us until December 16th after which you should feel you're getting back on track over the coming weeks.
More fog will be lifting!

However, backtracking to December 7th, Mars will go retrograde, making some of you feel grumpy, irritated, and frustrated over just about anything. Mars in retrograde will last until February and linger around its opposition point to Pluto.

This is fighting energy and has already been in the air for the last month.

 Are you noticing it?

The roads have become a battle zone.

Traffic coming at you from all directions, and so many not paying attention, making U-turns and cutting you off.

If you dare use your horn they yell and give you the finger!

People are caught in all the small stuff and are missing the bigger picture!

We are caught in the web that is spiralling out of control.

The planets are meant to direct the traffic in our lives, to guide us to find clarity in our path. They place obstacles in our road so that we learn how to navigate through the bumps.

 However, these days, people are no longer paying attention to any signs showing them which road to take. The result is chaos and indifference.

Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars will remain retrograde this month. Because of their long retrogrades, these planets always have a subtle but long-lasting effect, often associated with the collective consciousness.

Because of so many challenging planetary aspects over the last two months in particular the eclipses of late September and early October, the end of December 2024 may bring about a significant change to your way of seeing things.

With that, you may no longer have the same dreams or aspirations you once had.

However, you may see more clearly about it all since the fog is lifting!

The forecast for 2025 will come in our January newsletter, and it’s a challenging forecast.

In the meantime, remember that the planets are only meant to give us the roadmap, but it's we who ultimately make the choices that can make our journey memorable and even enjoyable.

Please do book a private reading with me if you'd like to see how your own planets are affected during these tumultuous times.

Many Blessings,


John R. Fyfe 

(519) 803-4145


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