Where will we be standing when November the 4th arrives?
Will there be a state of flux and chaos because of the results of the US election or will that only be due to Mercury's influence as it completes its retrograde? Most likely both will be a definite factor during this time...
Expect much exposure to come out!
When Mercury finishes its retrograde and begins to slowly move forward, it will take at least a week for its mixed-up chaotic energy to settle.
During that period Mercury will also be in a square ( 90 degrees away ) to Saturn that will increase anxiety which will make some people think the cup is half empty rather half full. This transit generally triggers negative thinking.
Or will it increase more fear with the masses which is already bordering on insanity caused by the fear mongering governments and media
We need not forget that behind all of this is the intense and explosive transit of Saturn conjunct Pluto which as mentioned in many posts stands for major breakdowns in our world before transformation can take place.
And do we ever need transformation!
Before that can happen, people need to wake up or else the restrictive nature of Saturn will continue to bring in restrictions and containment. No matter, the Pluto energy will continue to make people rebel against this “new normal”.
However, there is a turning point coming in in mid November.
One of the major changes will be the end of Mars 2 month retrograde which was a heavy, heavy, hitter for us all. This retrograde has caused huge reactions amongst people causing arguments, fights and breakdowns in relationships and friendships.
When we can stop the mantra of “I am right and you are wrong” we might be able to change the dynamics of our society
The New Moon will enter just as Venus and the Sun leave their weakest signs.
Sun is vitality and Venus is hope. With many there has been little of that lately so let’s bring it on! New Moon is always about resetting the dial, making a fresh start. Perhaps we can reset the dial in our own personal story.
We will also have Saturn slowly moving away from its intense alignment with Pluto which may gradually alleviate some of this intensity…we would hope.
However, the aftermath affect of this conjunction usually has an impact that lasts for many years, until the change has taken place. There is no going back to normal with this Pluto/Saturn transit.
In mid-November, Jupiter aligns again with Pluto as it did in August and this will bring some expansion into our world. This may also be related in some way to a sudden surge with your own personal movement.
Watch also whether the rules regarding the world-wide lockdown loosen up.
Jupiter in conjunction with Pluto will likely bring a sudden rise in prices of gold and silver as well as crypto currencies!
Once again as it has been throughout the year, this is a time to find your inner balance throughout the madness and the electrical frequencies that are everywhere causing disturbance to our nervous system. They are everywhere.
It is why astral remedies such as the kavach/yantra are always recommended to help ward off these energies.
I also recommend the wonderful healing teas that my friend Kim North of North Roots Herb Farm in Ontario, Canada has grown and developed on her organic tea farm all made with natural herbs. Click here to learn more about her wonderful farm & how to purchase them online at her website.
As I sit here in her tea room writing this newsletter, I am drinking a soothing tea to balance my nervous system to help counter-act mercury retrograde.
With Mercury slowing down to a standstill this week, the tension and mix-ups are quite profound. I have certainly experienced this, how about you?
Please do book a private reading with me if you'd like to see how your own planets are affected during these tumultuous times.
Many Blessings,
John R. Fyfe
(519) 803-4145
Email: john_r_fyfe@yahoo.com