The Month of March will begin with all the planets moving in direct motion which is positive as it brings more flow.
However, March will close out with Mercury and Jupiter both in retrograde. As the saying goes, March comes in like a lamb and goes outs like a Lion though this type of retrograde isn’t fiery. That usually comes when Saturn and Mars get together as they will do at the end of March into early April and we will keep our eye on that for our April Stargazer Newsletter.
March starts off with Mercury in opposition to the Moon which only lasts for two days at most. This combination generally causes some worry and anxiety as the Moon signifies our emotions, while Mercury signifies our mind. These two planets are not incompatible with each other, much like our emotional mind (Moon) and analytical mind (Mercury) so often go into conflict.
We will undergo a Mercury retrograde tune-up in early March as Mercury will enter its fallen sign of Pisces. This will speed things up and bring some form of mix-up in communications, but hopefully, those things will not be too erratic. Mercury in Pisces will activate wonkiness and perhaps when Mercury does go into its retrograde on the 24rth of March, we might not get hit as hard. Why?
We have Venus going into its exalted sign of Pisces so what Mercury doesn’t like in Pisces, Venus loves. Venus in Pisces brings more vitality and enthusiasm to your life, so hallelujah, let’s embrace the joy that Venus signifies! It’s about time I say and If you have too, just fake it until you make it!
Mars is presently happy in its own sign of Scorpio, helping you to be more direct and assertive. In March Mars will enter the sign of Sagittarius, which is ruled by Jupiter, but Mars is friends with Jupiter and that helps to keep the assertiveness, but not go overboard with it. Sagittarius is a fire sign and therefore Mars energy will not allow you to mope around.
Like, Mercury and Venus have done, the Sun will now go past Neptune which always has an illusionary ping to it. This transit can open your awareness channels and with it may come some psychological weariness which might make you feel you can’t cope any longer with your worldly affairs. You may wish to flee your environment and go off to your own private world. Planetary transits with Neptune often take us to a place where our reality appears to be more like a virtual reality world which may not be far off from the truth!
This transit will only last a few days so be on the lookout during the 3rd of March to the 5th of March and don’t let it get you down. This coincides with the Mercury/Moon opposition so don’t get too disillusioned about life for that way of thinking will be short lived! Your cup is half-full, not half-empty! This is a good time to see the positive aspects in your chart!
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There has certainly been an aftermath effect from the February eclipses which has taken some time to clear, to find your inner peace. It is quite evident that the year 2017 (as well as the years before that) opened “the proverbial can of worms” for dis-ease and this obviously will take some time to change. We must raise our perceptions and let go of old patterns and that doesn’t happen overnight. Or maybe it does. There is no time like now!