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Welcome to the World of The Real John R. Fyfe ~ Vedic Astrologer & Author
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Moving Backwards in Time

In July, Saturn and Neptune begin their long five-month retrograde, joining Pluto, which began its retrograde a few weeks ago.

During the last week of June, Saturn came to a standstill as it changed gears, giving us a lethargic scrambled energy.

 It was like having a Mercury in retrograde but with an axe to grind, as Saturn is much fiercer.

When Saturn becomes amplified, it can make us inflexible. Perhaps you've noticed people around you who have been more controlling.

Or you've seen this with yourself!

Saturn also signifies restrictions and feelings of despair. Last week was heavy for some, but it is now alleviating.

On the other hand, Saturn can make you more structured and focused on building your proverbial foundation.

Sticking with your plans for the next six months will be interesting because Neptune, in its retrograde phase, factors into the equation.

Neptune has a dreamlike quality, and you may begin to question who you are (many of us are already doing so) and wonder what you are doing in this 3D reality.

Neptune carries an illusionary element when it comes to how we view life.

The negative side of Neptune when in Pisces (where it has been for years) is capturing more people into drug use as well as activating so much mistrust and misinformation.

Neptune opens the veils while Pluto comes in for the kill shot!

    It's important to note that Pluto is again coming into conjunction with natal Pluto in the USA birth chart, this time for the third and final time.

Hang onto your hats, people. The countdown is on!

Pluto conjunct Pluto signifies revolutionary energy, as Pluto will uncover hidden agendas (there are plenty of them in our world!).Be prepared for more events happening in the U.S.

Are we going back in time? Is history repeating itself?

Will the people wake up and form a new country as in 1776?  

Or is that only an illusion?

In mid-July, Mars and Uranus will conjoin in Taurus, the sign that signifies money and possessions. Expect the unexpected during this time (mid-July to the 25th), as Mars represents action and Uranus change.

Precious metals and Crypto currencies may be on the upward move, and this could be a good time to get involved.

Mars is courageous and likes to take chances, while Uranus often moves away from the normal and takes you to a new door to open!

This conjunction can be an exciting time.

Uranus always brings about surprises, sometimes shockingly so, while Mars is often the instrument that triggers events.

The New moon arrives on July 5th, just as the Sun moves out of Rahu's constellation. Sun, Mercury and Venus have all been in this harsh constellation during the last month.

The result will bring about less intensity and more of a flow.

This new moon signifies new beginnings, and even with the three outer planets going into retrograde motion, let's get inspired!

Please do book a private reading with me if you'd like to see how your own planets are affected during these tumultuous times.

Many Blessings,


John R. Fyfe 

(519) 803-4145

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