Welcome to the World of The Real John R. Fyfe ~ Vedic Astrologer & Author
Welcome to the World of The Real John R. Fyfe ~ Vedic Astrologer & Author
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2020 Coming in with a Bang!

2020 Coming in with a Bang!

2019 wasn’t the easiest of years for most of us (an understatement!) with the year wrapping up with a solar eclipse on Christmas day or the 26th depending on your time zone.  How was your Christmas day? Was it peaceful and tranquil or was it a day of activity with anxiety? 2020 will enter with a full Moon eclipse occurring on the 10th of January which concludes the two-week period of eclipses that take place every six months. The conclusion of eclipses is always a great time to plan for a reset…therefore, make your New Years' resolutions after the 10th...

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December and the End of 2019

December and the End of 2019

When we look back at this year’s challenging transits, the question to ask is what has this year meant for you? The planets when in a difficult alignment to each other hit us harder when we are not moving forward in our life, especially when more than ever. we feel trapped in a society that does not allow us to be free…caught in the spider's web. The challenges that have been occurring for so many are meant to shake us up in order to wake us up! 2019 may have made you feel that the rose-coloured glasses have been removed and...

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The Upside-down World of November

The Upside-down World of November

By now most of us are familiar with the transit of Mercury in retrograde and yes, it is upon us once again! About ten days before Mercury goes retrograde, it begins to slow down its orbital speed and everything begins to feel out of whack. It’s my impression that the erratic chaotic energy of Mercury at that time is even more amplified than when it goes retrograde! How has it gone for you in the last 2 weeks? Have you felt overwhelmed by situations? Do you get the feeling that you can never catch up with what you need to...

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Putting Your Feet on the Ground in October

Astrology get grounded october forecast

Putting Your Feet on the Ground in October

 What’s in store for October? We will finally have Saturn breaking away from its intense five-month alignment with the ecliptic points.  With that happening, will you become more flexible with this breakthrough?  Or has Saturn in its alignment with Ketu/Rahu made you more rigid and set in your ways?   Have you seen this type of energy with many people around you? Saturn signifies restrictions, control and obtuse behaviour. It's my way or the highway! But Saturn is also structure, organizations, focus and wisdom. There are two sides to the coin! It's all about our perception! October gives us an...

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Will The Month of September Bring About a change in the tide?

Will The Month of September Bring About a change in the tide?

We start off September with a New Moon having just occurred on the 30th of August.  The New Moon signifies new beginnings and encourages you to put the month of August behind you. As the saying goes…in with the new…out with the old! This New Moon in September could very well bring about an opportunity for you to make a shift with your energy field and bring in more positivity, something you might have felt has been lacking these last many months. This is a conscious shift that likely could continue until the end of the year though it may not be until...

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